The tendency of all that is printed much that is spoken to-day is to be, in the only true sense, behind the times. It is because it is always in a hurry that it is always too late. Give an ordinary man a day to write an article, and he will remember the things he has really heard latest; and may even, in the last glory of the sunset, begin to think of what he thinks himself. Give him an hour to write it, and he will think of the nearest text-book on the topic, and make the best mosaic he may out of classical quotations and old authorities. Give him ten minutes to write it and he will run screaming for refuge to the old nursery where he learnt his stalest proverbs, or the old school where he learnt his stalest politics. The quicker goes the journalist the slower go his thoughts. The result is the newspaper of our time, which every day can be delivered earlier and earlier, and which, every day, is less worth delivering at all.

G. K. Chesterton in Eugenics and Other Evils  (1922).

From The Hebdomadal Chesterton

Gisbert – Paradisola from wecrosstheline on Vimeo.

Gisbert, 42 anni fa, ha deciso di andare in vacanza ed ancora è in vacanza. Ha scavato con le sue mani una grotta a Filicudi, Isole Eolie in Sicilia, e da allora vive nella sua "Paradisola". Le sue riflessioni universali aprono degli interrogativi importanti per una umanità che ha deciso di negarsi il tempo di sognare.

About 42 years ago, Gisbert decided to be away on holiday and he still is. He dug a cave with his own hands in Filicudi, Aeolian Islands – Sicily, and he has been living in his "Paradisola" since then. His universal considerations spur us to ask important questions for a humanity that has decided to deny itself the time to dream.

Il y a plus de 42 ans. Gisbert partait en vacances à Filicudi, dans les Îles Eoliennes en Sicile, et décidait d’y rester. Il a creusé une grotte de ses propres mains. Aujourd’hui, il vit reclus sur son "Paradisola", et ses considerations universelles incitent à poser des questions importantes pour une humanité qui a décidé de refuser le temps de rêver.

A production
Directed by Gabriele Trapani and Nicola Di Marco
Editing Manfredi Bernardini
Content Editor Ruby Miah