For long time I used Workrave to control my work pauses to prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). When I started using Mac I needed an alternative because Workrave just has versions for Linux and Windows. I found AntiRSI. I have been using this application coded by Onne Gorter, a 25yo dutch living in Helsinki, for some months by now, even though is not as good as Workrave it has the basic functionality (pauses and micro pauses) and I have been quite happy with its simplicity. I recommend it, if you know any other application for the same purpose which works in Mac tell me.

“AntiRSI is a program for Mac OS X that helps prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury) and other computer related stress. It does so by forcing you to take regular breaks, yet without getting in the way. It also detects natural breaks so it won’t force too many breaks on you.”


I was trying to install Firefox 3.0b5 in OS X with Firefox 2 installed and it didn’t open both at the same time after some look around this was what I had to do:

  • Download the latest version of Firefox 3;
  • Install the application somewhere but your applications folder (ex. Desktop);
  • Rename the application of Firefox to something else (ex. Firefox3);
  • Copy the application to the Applications folder;
  • Open a terminal and run the following commands:
    • cd /Applications/
      ./firefox-bin -ProfileManager
  • The profile manger will appear, create a new profile and press “Start Firefox”;
  • Open Firefox3, choose the new profile and browse!